MA(Cantab) MD FRCP
Consultant Gastroenterologist
Dr Mike Mendall qualified from Cambridge University and the Middlesex Hospital Medical School with distinction in 1985. He was one of Tatler's top private gastroenterologists in 2013. He undertook specialist training in gastroenterology at St George's in south west London. He is an experienced gastroenterologist and is frequently sought for second opinions on difficult cases. His main NHS base is Croydon University Hospital where he is lead clinician for gastroenterology which delivers 12000 endoscopies per year and he leads the Inflammatory Bowel Disease service which serves 1700 patients. He is an expert interventional endoscopist having performed more than 7000 colonoscopies, 10000 upper GI endoscopies and 3000 ERCPs as well as a large number of other endoscopic procedures. including emergency endoscopy for uncontrolled gastrointestinal bleeding, stenting to relieve obstructions of the oesophagus and gut, videocapsule endoscopy, double balloon enteroscopy and oesophageal physiology studies.
He has served on the British Society of Gastroenterology Clinical Services committee, the Upper GI Cancer London Cancer Alliance board, the National Cancer Intelligence Network Upper GI Cancer committee, and the South Wes London Gastroenterology Training Committee. He has also served on a variety of hospital committees. Dr Mendall has always had a strong research focus and remains actively involved, presenting at and attending many international meetings. HE has made and continues to make important and original contributions in a number of different areas of gastroenterology including dyspepsia, inflammatory bowel disease and irritable bowel. He has more than 100 publications many in prestigious journals including the Lancet, British Medical Journal, Gastroenterology, Gut and the American Journal of Gastroenterology.
Tel: Secretary Caroline 0203 4882920 / 07738622799
Email: [email protected]
NHS base: Croydon University hospital
Consultant Gastroenterologist and General Physician and Head of Service at Croydon University Hospital and Honorary Senior Lecturer of St George’s Medical School
I currently head the Gastroenterology Service and the Endoscopy Unit at Croydon University Hospital. The team consists of 2 other consultants, 2 associate specialists, 3 registrars and 3 nurse specialists. The Endoscopy Unit is the busiest in the South West London area, currently performing some 11,000 procedures per year.
I lead the Inflammatory Bowel Disease Service which consists of 2 other gastroenterologists, 2 colorectal surgeons and a nurse specialist.
I manage ward-based gastroenterology patients as well as performing diagnostic and therapeutic upper and lower GI endoscopy and ERCP and therapeutic oesophageal and gastroduodenal endoscopy.
I was one of the founders of the south west London emergency endoscopy network which covers a population of 1.2 million across Wimbledon, Merton and Sutton and Croydon. I chaired and founded the managing committee for this service for 8 years until 2010.
I qualified from Cambridge University in 1982(pre-clinical) and London University(1985) with distinction. I then undertook training in gastroenterology at Guy’s Hospital and St George’s Medical School before being appointed Consultant Gastroenterologist and Senior Lecturer at Croydon University Hospital and St George’s Medical School.
I run a busy clinical service seeing 3000 new outpatients per year together with another 500 specialist gastroenterology inpatients. I have approximately 700 patients with inflammatory bowel disease under my care.
Upper GI endoscopy: I have performed more than 15,000 upper GI endoscopies
Colonoscopy: I have performed more than 10,000 colonoscopies. My quality standards for colonoscopy are excellent with a 98% caecal intubation rate and no perforations within the last 5 years.
ERCP: I have performed 3,000 ERCP with a success rate of 97% and no procedure-related deaths in elective(non-emergency) patients within the last 10 years
Oesophageal and duodenal stenting: I have performed approximately 400 oesophageal and duodenal stenting procedures
Video-capsule endoscopy: I have performed 150 video-capsule endoscopies over 5 years
Oesophageal manometry and PH recording: I have performed approximately 250 of the new tubeless Bravo pH monitoring procedures
I am a recognised trainer in upper and lower GI endoscopy and ERCP and have trained many young gastroenterologists over the years.
I am an active researcher in a number of fields of gastroenterology. I have made important contributions in the a number of areas including Helicobacter pylori and dyspepsia, irritable bowel syndrome, cardiovascular epidemiology, the pathogenesis of colorectal cancer and inflammatory bowel disease. My main research focus at present is inflammatory bowel disease and the role of the environment and diet in causation and treatment and factors which influence the response of people to injury.
I have supervised ten research fellows towards MDs and was until recently Director of Research and Development at Croydon University Hospital.
I continuously audit my work and participate in national audits of Upper GI cancer management, gastron-intestinal bleeding and Inflammatory bowel disease